31 July 2012

2 Months

Jack had his 2 month check-up yesterday with Dr. Havlik.  He is growing like crazy and here are his stats to prove it:

Age: 2 months
Weight: 13 pounds 1 ounce (82%, up from 51%)
Height: 23.5 inches (72%, up from 63%)
Head Size: 15.8 inches (56%, up from 44%)

He passed all of the development questions.  He can coo and make noises, he can smile at someone talking to him, he can follow an object from one side to another, and he reacts to sound.  As of a week or so ago, he has been consistently sleeping about 5-6 hours at night, which is great.  He's not on much of a regular schedule during the day and he sleeps best in his swing or takes lots of short naps, but at least he's got the night time thing down.

His head is a little flat on one side.  Dr. Havlik told us this last time, too, but it was the other side.  I thought I'd done a good job of rotating Jack from side to side while he sleeps, but apparently I've been overcompensating and the flatness has shifted from one side to the other.  Dumb me, I hadn't noticed.  In addition, his neck muscles are tight when turning his head to the non-flat side.  We need to work on getting him to look to the right and having him sleep that way (then keep rotating).

Jack is doing really well.  For the most part, he is a very happy little boy.  He loves his sister and his dad and will usually smile or giggle at their voices more than mine.  He is still sleeping in the bassinet in our room, but I've been talking to Molly a lot about moving him into the crib in her room.  I am just a little worried about what she'll do when I'm not right there to hear her.  Often, in the mornings, I am awakened by the bassinet behind pushed side to side and Molly exclaiming, "Mom, Jack's awake!"  Otherwise, I wake up to her eyes staring at me and with her binker in her mouth saying, "Mom, I stuuuuck."  (Yes, I should probably not be lazy and should get up before her, but I don't.)

That is the report . . .  until his 4 month check-up.

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