09 January 2012

This little girl . . .

This little girl is mine.
She is my most favorite little girl in the whole world.

Today when I picked her up from school, one of her teachers told me this story. Molly and Emily (Emily and Molly are often confused by other people. Emily is a month or two older than Molly. They are both about the same size, have blonde hair, about the same length and cut, but otherwise look nothing alike.) were both sitting at the table eating their snack. Emily threw her cup of milk on the floor. She started whining for it back and Miss Sarah said, "No, Emily, you need to say, 'Help, please'." Emily continued to whine about her milk and Miss Sarah wouldn't give in, repeating, "Emily, you need to say, 'Help, please'." Finally, Molly, surveying the situation, threw her milk on the ground and promptly said, "Help, please. Help, please. Help, please." Good girl, Molly! (Ok, so maybe you shouldn't throw your milk on the ground, but at least you followed directions well.)

Also, Miss Sarah said they've been working more on sign language with the little kids. I know Molly knows "more," but that's all I've ever seen. Sarah said she also knows Please, Help, Milk, Cheese, and a few others. I've been trying to get Molly to do them tonight, but she just says all those words instead of signing them. I'm okay with that.

She's also been pretty good about going to school since we started back in January. She's whimpered a few times, but hasn't screamed at me yet. She's even waved and said, "Bye mama" a few times. It's a huge relief to not have to leave a screaming child every morning. It takes her a few minutes (it's not like she's running away from me in excitement), but usually she can find something fun to do (look at "Sal" the salamander, do the Chicken Dance, play with play-doh, put chairs around the tables) and is pretty good in a few minutes.


Annie said...

She is so cute. I love her!

Brooke Imlay Scheurer said...

She is adorable, I love her hair! Elsa can sign a few things too, but mostly she prefers to use her words; and I am also OK with that.