16 January 2012

Oh Boy!

James and I went to our halfway-point ultra sound today. And . . . . definite boy parts were seen. Above you see a cute little foot and below you see it a tightly clenched fist. "See this," he says.

I was positive Molly was girl. I wasn't positive, but I was pretty sure this one was, too. I was disappointed for a second today, but not really. I think I was more disappointed by the fact that I had guessed wrong than by the fact that he is actually a boy. James said afterwards that he was pretty sure this one was a boy, but just didn't want to say anything.

Everything looks fine. All other major organs and body parts seem to be in tact and functioning. We scheduled another ultrasound for 6 weeks from now just to make sure all other things are fine and dandy.

The only weird thing about today was that when we found out Molly was a girl, I got really nervous. Having only been exposed to boy babies (partially responsible for a little brother and then occasionally tending my nephews), I had the thought, "I don't know what to do with a girl." However, today after realizing that now I'm going to be fully responsible for a boy, I had the thought, "I have no idea what to do with a boy." Oh well. We'll figure it out, I guess.

Last thing . . .

Tonight, while in the bathtub, I looked Molly in the eyes and said, "Molly, you're going to have a little brother. You need to be nice to him and you need to be friends with him. No bossing him around." She gave me this crazy grit-your-teeth grin that could have meant, "Sure mom, that's what you think." Or, it more likely meant, "Hi mom, I love you but have absolutely no idea what you are telling me!"

That's all for today. Happy Martin Luther King Day!


Emily said...

Congrats! You will do great with a Boy. You are a great Mom to Molly. Your new baby boy is lucky to get such great parents!!!!!

Melanie said...

Congrats! It's been fun seeing all of the differences between having a boy and a girl! Very exciting.