31 January 2011

Need a new post

I miss her! I haven't talked to my grandma since Thursday night before she passed away. I usually go every Saturday for a couple of hours, but since Christmas I was trying to go at least one other day during the week. On that Thursday, I was tired, I had stuff to do, but something just kept telling me that I needed to go see her. James even went with us. We all knew she wasn't going to be here forever, but she WANTED to be.

I've been fortunate enough to have two wonderful Grandma's. I don't know if I'm more sad about Grandma Huber passing away than I was with Grandma Petersen or if it's just the fact that I now know both of my Grandma's are gone. But, I'm definitely sad. I used to go visit Grandma Petersen at least once a week, too, when she was at Highland Care.

Last night we even had to say goodbye to the TV from Grandma. Why I am attached to a dumb electronic device that is older than the number of years I've been teaching (at least 8), is losing it's color, and may be a fire hazard, I don't know. I'm a dork, I guess. Maybe it's the fact that this TV still has a VCR that makes me sad.

In some positive news, we have added a new TV. It's big, but James likes it. We also added a new member of the family . . . Betty the Bear. In trying to be positive and happy, my mom decided to spoil Molly and the double T's on Friday night by letting them build a bear. It was fun! Elliott had never been to Build-A-Bear before and was super excited. It was a lot of fun. His is a polar bear named, "Polar Bear." Wyatt's is a rabbit named Pedro Conejo. Molly's is a cute bear with yellow ribbons named Betty the Bear.

We also ate at California Pizza Kitchen, the kids were all well behaved, and we had a great time.

In other news, Hunter basketball suckeths. We used to call awful games "Ugly Betty Specials." Unfortunately since all of the games are soooo bad, the humor in "ugly betty" has totally worn off. Such a shame.

1 comment:

Annie said...

I miss grandma, too.