03 February 2008


James and I have both concocted strange, deadly diseases this week. Here are some photos of James's hand. Dr. Rasmussen decided to try some weird killer wart remedy and this is what happened. Me? Well, I woke up Saturday with red spots and then on Sunday it quadrupled and itched real bad. Not sure what it is. Take a look. I promise, the pictures are not contagious, but they are real.


Annie said...

oh gross! I am so sorry for the both of you, yet afraid at the same time.

I hope that you recover from your spots and wounds quickly.

LeeAnn said...

Please keep up posted on your recovery. I am so sorry and I hope you feel better soon.

LeeAnn said...
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japetersen said...

So sorry Haley and James!
Love, Mom

Lauren said...

Cool! You two look like some of the pictures in my health books. You should have modeled for a medical dictionary or something.